22 Pranešimai “Merginos vaiduoklis pakelėje (video)”

  1. laurynas parašė:


  2. Augis parašė:

    isvada viena neimkit pakeleiviu nakti…

  3. joo. parašė:

    kas cia buvo as nesupratau bet kai jinai pradejo rekt tai buvo siurpu. grazus vardas teresa. :))))

  4. joo. parašė:

    kas ten paciame gale buvo????

  5. trololo parašė:

    this movie called „A curva “ and was directed by David Rebordão … GOOGLE IT

    • paulius parašė:

      a curva :DDDDDDDD

    • Emine parašė:

      Marius Liepa 16 d, 2009Įdomus video ir dar įdomesni skaičiai jame. Tik, skirtingai nei aturoius bijau, kad susigriebti gali būti jau kiek per vėlu.. Mes, sotūs Europiečiai, nebe išsikrutinsim taip greitai, kad pasikeistų gimstamumo situacija. Beje, šiame video visai nieko nėra užsimenama apie kiniečių ar indų imigracijos tempus Taip pat, žinant, kad šių šalių atstovai (kaip ir musulmonai) puoselėja didelių šeimų tradicijas, galima numanyti, kad artimiausiu metu europietiškos kultūros laukia ne patys geriausi laikai.

  6. Aistė parašė:

    Truputy ziauru man cia buvo. Kaip is kokio filmo : ]]

  7. darkus parašė:

    o ar kas bande issiaiskint,video tikras ar suvaidintas?

  8. darkus parašė:

    issiaiskinau..deja… netikras 🙁


    Portugal Car Accident – Teresa Fidalgo
    David Rebordão is the creator of the short film „A Curva“ about a mysterious female hitchhiker who is revealed to be a ghost. The entire clip and production procedures are available on his website in DVD format. (This ghost is not real. It’s just a short film made by Rebordão.)

    According to this site (Malditang Pinay), the content is as follows:


    My name is David Rebordão and I am the author and producer of the short film „A Curva“. After months of speculation, stuffed of fantastic theories about the film, the moment of the revelation arrives.

    This website was created for you to know all the truth about the facts that gave rise to the most watched Portuguese short film of all time. Despite of several versions of the film that exist of for free download by available to all cybernauts, in this website you can acquire the complete version with twelve minutes of duration in DVD.

    The DVD brings also an interview where I am going to relate all the trial of creation, my reactions about the spread of the film all around the world, the several forums that were created to talk about of the film, and to all the stories that were created from the imagination of the cybernauts. I also reveal the strategy that was behind the creation of the film, always with the objective of calling attention of the public for the others projects that are being developed.

    I am going make movies for people; movies that can amuse.“

    Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_is_Teresa_Fidalgo#ixzz1P29gpxke

  9. E parašė:

    Gaila, jog netikras… Bet keistas. 🙂

  10. B.D. parašė:

    tikrai keistas

  11. B.D. parašė:

    pritariu Joo man irgi grazus

  12. lukas parašė:

    eik tu nx ziauru 😀

  13. Gz parašė:

    kazkaip netikroviskai man pasirode 😀

  14. vincentas parašė:

    parodykit 2metu vaikams tai apslapys jusu snuky

  15. tawq vita parašė:


  16. ugne parašė:


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